The right levers of action, at the right time, in each store

Kaptain Charlie is the virtual coach that helps store managers take the right initiatives to maximize their performance.


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71% directeurs regionaux retail

of retailers consider it a high priority to improve the use of data by in-store teams to improve their performance.

Difficulté analyse de données magasin

Too much data kills the data
A store manager is overwhelmed by the data at his disposal. This data is not always relevant to the context of his store.

Directrice de magasin occupée

No time for analysis.
A store manager doesn't have the time to dig through the complex reports received to identify priority action levers.

Analyse données magasins

A varied skill level.
The level of appetence and competence for data analysis is heterogeneous within the store network

Application directeur de magasin

Kaptain Charlie
is the virtual coach that helps store managers take
the right initiatives at the right time to maximize their performance.

Immediate access to the indicators on which to focus for better performance

Connected to your sales data and equipped with powerful artificial intelligence algorithms, Kaptain Charlie detects and notifies each Store Manager daily of the areas on which he must act.

These recommendations are specific to each store and chosen according to its performance, the comparison with the performance of comparable stores and the strategic priorities established by the company at a given moment.

Simple identification of the causes of underperformance

Field teams are overwhelmed by the data and information available to them without having the time to delve into in-depth analysis.

Thanks to a simple and intuitive interface, Kaptain Charlie guides the user in the identification of the cause of an underperformance by proposing suggestions of elements to analyze.

Concrete action levers, immediately applicable

Store managers have no shortage of data, but some have great difficulty translating this data into action plans.

At the end of his guided diagnosis, Kaptain Charlie delivers immediately actionable advice to the Store Manager.

Any doubts? It is possible to share the analysis and advice received with your manager to discuss it.

The power of data and best practices combined!

Kaptain Charlie Best practices + data

Kaptain Charlie allows retailers to combine the best of two very powerful assets. Data on the one hand and the best practices transmitted by the store or by training on the other.

As a result, store managers have at their disposal concrete action levers that correspond to the context and performance of their point of sale.

The solution that reconciles store managers with data!

Designed for field teams, Kaptain Charlie is accessible on tablet, mobile or smartphone.

The user simply shares his results and action levers with his team or his manager.

Available 24/7

Consult Kaptain Charlie at any time of the day

Ask for a demonstration

A solution co-constructed with over 60 retail executives

Avatar Homme2 Manager Magasin Kaptain Charlie

"Store managers have no shortage of numbers but have great difficulty using them to maximize performance."

- Alain, Manager in a supermarket chain

Avatar Femme Manager Magasin Kaptain Charlie

"Today, the reports that are produced only speak to 20% of our store managers. In fact, 80% of store managers fail to identify priority actions to drive."

- Lucie, Manager in a clothing company

Avatar Femme Manager Magasin Kaptain Charlie

"Regional managers spend an inordinate amount of time extracting data to make standardized reports more digestible and relevant to their store managers."

- Elias, Retail Director in a large company

Do you share these observations? Let's talk about it!

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